Dear Survivor,

         How does one recover from the shame and pain of sexual trauma? It is this challenging and life changing question that we will grapple with during our six week conversation. Our goal is twofold: (1) to better understand the many painful consequences of sexual trauma and (2) to discover the countless wondrous ways in which we can heal our lives.        

         In the autumn of 2016, I published You Can Help: A Guide for Family & Friends of Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Assault. What I learned from doing years of research and interviewing countless survivors of both childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual assault is that most of us struggle with low self esteem, battle shame, and are convinced that we have been robbed of the lives we might have otherwise had. No wonder ~ what happened to us is horrific.  And yet dear fellow survivor, I truly believe we can become greater because we were made to feel lesser. This is a paradox I know, but one I have seen evidenced in the lives of many women and men. It just takes courage and commitment.

         I so hope you will join in the conversation and accompany me on this journey. But regardless, please be kind to yourself, believe that healing is possible, and know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

                                                                   Sincerely,                                                                                      Rebecca

What to Expect When You Sign Up

  • You will receive an email confirmation and "Welcome" letter in your inbox right away.

  • The program will begin the next Monday and continue for six weeks. A letter will arrive every morning Monday through Friday with an audio guided imagery on Saturdays.

  • Every week we will tackle a different challenge together (for example, Week Two: Overcoming Shame.) Besides the daily reading, there will be helpful exercises you can do on your own time.

  • At the bottom of each letter is a brief post script for family and friends who wish to participate in the recovery of a loved one.

       Rebecca Street

The Team

       The concept for an online conversation was inspired and implemented by several literary women who read You Can Help and believed that reaching out to survivors was a natural extension of the book. I am so grateful to this remarkable team ~ for their generosity, support, and largeness of spirit. They are: Campbell Schnebly, Mika Kasuga, Ann Murphy, and April Lawson. Indeed, writing these healing letters has helped me as I continue to heal my own life and I would not have done so were it not for them.