Contributing Survivors
Chapter 12
Crimes of the Clergy
DR. MARK McCALLISTER resides in Vinton, Virginia. He works as a medical instructor at several colleges and as the SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) leader for Western Virginia. Dr. McAllister advocates for abuse survivors at the local, state, and national level. His perpetrator was convicted in 2014.
LAURIE ASPLUND, the author of Justice Before Mercy, is a psycho- therapist in private practice working primarily with adolescents and their families. She has appeared on “Special Assignment” NBC, lectures at the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater on dialectical behavioral therapy, and is a citizen lobbyist advocating bills to prevent sexual violence.
Chapter 13
Adult Sexual Assault
BECCA LYNN COURTRIGHT is is a member of The RAINN Speakers’ Bureau and the survivors’ group Regain Your Voice. She has shared her story on “Brave Miss World” and is currently writing a book entitled Testify: My Mission as a Rape Survivor.
PRESTON DECORTE is a career officer in the United States Armed Forces. Though his assault was not military-related and was perpetrated by a civilian, his story was shared at a 2013 military training on sexual assault and prevention. Preston is also a member of The RAINN Speakers’ Bureau.
Chapter 14
Abuse by a Sibling
RENA ROMANO is the author of His Puppet No More, co-author of the best seller World Class Speaking In Action, a professional keynote speaker, and a certified speaking and personal empowerment coach. Rena had the honor of sharing her story on “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” In 2017, she appeared on the TEDx stage inspiring listeners to get involved in the struggles survivors encounter.
CALLEN HARTY is the author of 23 plays, including the autobiographical Invisible Boy, and two books My Queer Life and Empty Playground: A Survivor’s Story. Callen is also the organizer of the survivor conference “Paths to Healing” and speaks regularly about recovery.
KELLY HAYES is a Reiki Master, licensed massage therapist, and a certified Hatha yoga teacher. She also has a master’s degree in psychology and is a volunteer for the RAINN Speakers’ Bureau. Kelly took her brother to court in 2008 where he was sentenced to eight months in prison and put on the sex offender registry.
Chapter 15
Paternal Perpetrators
TEDD CADD is a retired Coast Guard Officer currently working as the financial manager for Alongside Ministry International. Since 1992, he has also been a strong advocate for sexual abuse survivors, volunteering as a trained group leader for “Journey Groups,” a product of Open Hearts Ministry in Kalamazoo, MI. He is also part of The Bristle Cone Project.
KATHY PICARD is the recipient of numerous awards including the 2014 Pynchon Award, the Zonta Founder’s Day Award, the 2013 Public Policy Advocacy Award from the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance, and the 2010 Honoree for Massachusetts Missing Children’s Day. She is a tireless voice for changing legislation and in 2019 , she and her husband Gary Picard published Kathy’s autobiography, Life with My Idiot Family: A True Story of Survival, Courage and Justice over Childhood Sexual Abuse.
Chapter 16
Assault Within the Military
BRIAN LEWIS is the first male survivor of military sexual trauma to testify about the issue before the Senate Armed Services Committee and the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. He is president of Men Recovering from Military Sexual Trauma, an advisory board member of Protect Our Defenders, and an administrator of
JESSICA HINVES serves on the advocacy board of Protect Our Defenders and was featured in the Oscar- and Emmy-nominated documentary “Invisible War.” She has advocated for military sexual trauma survivors, appearing on numerous television and radio broadcasts including PBS News Hour, Nightline, Katie Couric, and NPR.
Chapter 17
Teen Violence
ELIINA BELENKIY ( is a graduate student and founder of the organization Regain Your Voice. Eliina has volunteered for many organizations to promote sexual assault awareness and has shared her story with numerous media outlets and submitted testimonies to Congress to help change existing legislation for survivors.
ELBERETH LUNN CHAHALIS is a member of the RAINN Speakers’ Bureau, has volunteered at the Prince George’s Hospital Crisis Center, and was an intern at the International Rescue Committee, working with victims of human trafficking. Currently, she attends the University of Maryland, Balti- more, where she is working toward a master’s degree in clinical social work.
QUASONA COBB ( is a New York City native working for a Fortune 150 company. An advocate for the prevention of dating violence, Quasona shares her story at churches, local agencies, and educational institu- tions including the Children’s Aid Society and the Administration for Children’s Services. She has been featured in Glamour Magazine and was a guest on Katie Couric’s talk show.
Chapter 18
In Our Schools
ANTHONY ANDRES is co-founder of the 12 After 12 Empowerment and Asset of Character 12 Step Program. He has written for the SESAME (Stop Educator Sexual Abuse, Misconduct and Exploitation) website, and is currently in school pursuing his dream to be a licensed alcohol and drug counselor.
NIKKI WILLIAMS is the creator of “Raising Healthy Athletes,” devoted to educating those who work in youth athletics about the dangers of blurred boundaries and how to protect young athletes from abuse. She is also a PIAA track and field official, a board member of Joshua Development Corporation, and the proud mother of two adult sons.
Chapter 19
Victims of Multiple Perpetrators
JARROD NOFTSGER is a faculty member at Oklahoma State University. He advocates awareness of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child safety. Jarrod has appeared on numerous TV and radio programs, including “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” NPR’s “On Point with Tom Ashbrook,” and “The Huffington Post, Live with Josh Zepps.”
CHRISTINE “CISSY” WHITE was a break-the-cycle mother, widely published in the Boston Globe, Ms. Magazine, Elephant Journal, and Spirituality & Health magazine. As the founder of the Heal Write Now Center, she led writing workshops, gave presentations, and helped nonprofits understand and discover creative solutions for traumatic stress. In 2023, Cissy left a huge whole in the survivor community when she died from ovarian cancer.
MICHAEL SKINNER ( is an award-winning ad- vocate, educator, writer, and musician. The founder and director of the nonprofit “Surviving Spirit,” he has appeared on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and been a presenter at The National Press Club and at The United Nations, State Department, and Georgetown University Conference on Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking.